Thursday, February 05, 2015

Scriptural Text

The meaning of Scriptural text does not change. The text means today what it meant when it was written.  However the application may be different.

Questions we should consider when reading scripture.....

* What does the text teach about God?
* What does the text teach about fallen humanity?
* What does the text teach about Christ?
* What does the text teach me what God wants people to know?
* What does the text teach me what God wants people to do?

Apologetics of Faith 

● In nature man sees a need for God but chooses a corrupt way to worship.
● Faith adds nothing to the object of faith.
● As Christians we are saved by the object of our faith.
● Faith is acting upon the word of God.
●Two elements of faith ...... (1) Knowledge which is the assent to the truth (2) Active commitment which is trust in the truth
● Faith does not save us but rather faith is the vehicle by which we are saved.
● Faith is a commitment to Christ
Natural Body/Changed Body

The earthly body is
* Mortal
* Dishonorable
* Weak
* Natural (dominated by or pertaining to human nature)

But the resurrected body is
* Immortal
* Glorious
* Powerful
* Spiritual (dominated by or oriented by the Holy Spirit)
This changed body will be free every limitation and every need, a body with flesh and bones that does not draw life from its biological functions but whose life is constituted and given by God.

1Cor. 15:49  Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.

The following statements are food for thought only.  I am not totally convince of their complete and total truthfulness......

* Christ will remain a man, but His divinity that was once veiled in His humanity will shine through it.  Because of the fall of man we have never been humans who are fully functional as God's image bearers.

* We are going to return to the functional physical bodies that God designed for us from the beginning.