Saturday, October 15, 2016

Repulsion Over The Election

Frankly, Folks, I am to the point of total repulsion!  I have had all the Hillary and Trump that I can stand.  Over three hundred million people in this country and these people are our choices?  Who choose these people to run for the leadership of the greatest, most powerful country on earth?  Not me!  It is as if there two comic book characters attacking each other.  If it were a Batman episode it would be "The Joker" versus "The Penguin".

Does anyone know the stances of either candidate on the issues, taxes, job creation, public safety, immigration, trade, etc.?  Each one with the help of the media is focusing on abasing each other.  It seems to be a race to see who can trash the other the most.  Even supporters are shouting their opponents down.  Civility is dead!

Hillary is the worst possible candidate that the democrats could possibly have chosen to run for the office but not to be outdone the republicans nominated a man who seems to know nothing about government and is only interested in defending himself from democrat attacks and calling his opponent names.  All of us could name people who could have handily defeated either one.

While I am repulsed by both candidates, I realize there is a very important issue involved in this election.  Who will get to appoint SCOTUS?  If the republicans in the senate and house fall to democrats and Hillary is elected she will appoint, with little opposition, far left judges to the supreme court.  While this country could survive four years of Hillary, it cannot survive liberal justices who are appointed for life. The constitution of the United States will be ignored and left wing ideology will be prevalent in all SCOTUS decisions.

There are many of us who feel that we are watching the demise of The United Sates of America.  Our children and grandchildren and generations to come will never again be able to enjoy the freedom that has been experienced from the beginning of this country.
Our economy is going to be in shambles, our Bill of Rights destroyed, our military weakened, our bureaucracies will enact heinous retractions without the consent of congress, the IRS will impose regulations on anyone who opposes government, etc., borders will be open.  Why?  To make us all dependent upon the federal government.  If the people are dependent, they are controllable.

I am going to do two things (1) I am going to vote for Donald Trump to protect our SCOTUS from falling into liberal hands, hopefully. (2) I am going to pray to a sovereign holy God that He will protect our great nation that He has blessed since its inception.

So that there is no misunderstanding, if Hillary Clinton is elected I will also pray that she is the very best president that we could possibly have, that she will recognize God's will for our nation and lead accordingly.