Monday, January 23, 2017

When I see a new baby for the first time I am always reminded of what King David said in the Psalms.

 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.   Psalms 139:14

If you touch a baby's hand it will wrap little fingers around yours.  A precious child made with little fingers and an opposing thumb able to grasp things.  He'll even be able to communicate.  When he cries we know he's not happy but it's up to us to discover the reason.  Is he hungry, does he need a diaper changed, is he scared, is he sick, or does he just need to be held? As the child grows older he will be able to lift objects and move them.  He'll learn to be mobile.  First he'll roll over in bed and then he'll learn to crawl or scoot along on his bottom.  He'll pull up on the coffee table and as his legs grows stronger he'll lift himself up on his feet.  As his balance and courage improves, with a little urging by Mom and Dad, he'll let go and walk.

From birth he is able to see, although not so well at first.  He'll begin to notice his surrounding.  He'll giggle at people making funny facing and others making strange sounds because he can hear.  He'll learn to communicate verbally, at first with unintelligible sounds , then words and then sentences and of course the seemingly endless questions.

Let's not forget his sense of touch.  He'll learn what he likes to touch and what he doesn't, too hot, too  cold, ahh that's nice, I like that.

My list could go on and on but the point is we are all fearfully and wonderfully made.

...  Mike