Monday, March 23, 2015

Something to think about..........
Recently I had the good fortune to play checkers in the Tennessee Open Checkers Tournament which was held at Lebanon, TN.  The tournament started on Friday and ended on Sunday.  As is our custom most of the players arose early Sunday morning and attended a church service held by the checkers players themselves.  Of course there were songs and prayers which were very good and praiseful.  One of the players who is a preacher from Alabama spoke to us.  There is an aura about this man that you just feel that he has a special relation with our Savior.  His ability to quote scripture is remarkable and well as his understanding of that  scripture.  As he spoke to us about how the things that we do influence other people in a positive way, he just kind of leaned on one side of the podium and related the following story not to brag but as way of illustration..........
A few years back he saved up enough money to buy a new Thompson Chain Reference Bible which was one of the most expensive at that time.  One day in his office as he was looking through his new bible and examining all its marvelous maps, concordances, commentary, etc. a young man that he didn't know entered and sat down in a chair near his desk and began to converse with him.  As they talked he felt called upon by the Holy Spirit to give his bible to that young man.  He thought "but Lord this is my new bible that I saved up for".  He didn't really want to do that but he felt so impressed to do so he gave the young man his bible.  To make a long story short, that same young man is his pastor today and not only that but he is one of the most respected preachers in that area of Alabama.  He went on to say that maybe this was one of those positive influences.
I would say that looking around at some of the men in this room of checkers players from all over the country and seeing the tears rolling down their cheeks that some of them had the same thought that I did.  How many times Lord have I failed to follow God's will and influence people positively?